
  • (306)896-2712 (school)

Sept. 22nd, 2011

Math 8 - Daily Math
-Corrected p. 11
-Worked on P. 15 questions 1all, 3 all, 4 odds, 5 odds, 6 odds, 7 all, 8 all, 9 all, 12. These questions are due for our next class which is on Monday. If you have any questions please let me know.

Grade 3 - Completed our obstacle courses.
-Finished and presented our letter to someone from another country describing Churchbridge.

ELA 9 - Finished presenting our RAFTS stories.
-Wrote a journal entry describing what adventure is and if you could go on any adventure what would it be?

PE 7/8 - Wrapping up the soccer portion of our sending and recieving unit.

Junior Girls Volleyball Game in Esterhazy today.
We will also be travelling ot Esterhazy for a tournament run by the Stockholm team on Friday and Saturday. All games will be played at the high school.