
  • (306)896-2712 (school)

Sept. 20th, 2011

Math 8 - Corrected Mental Math and p. 8
-Worked on p. 11 and 12. This is homework if you did not finish in class.

Grade 3-Anaylyzed our soil samples
-Distinguished between humus, clay, and sand
-Illustrated the different parts of soil and what they are best used for.

ELA 9 - Editted our RAFTS stories and wrote the good copies
-Started reading them but did not finish.
-If you did not finish your good copy in class it is homework.

PAA 7 - We started a photography assignment. Each student takes a picture of their name using different objects as the letters. We will continue working on it next class.

After some heated matches the Junior Girls Volleyball team split with Kamsack last night. Good job girls. Refer to the calendar above for information on the next games and practices.