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University of Phoenix Masters work

Personal Values and Beliefs

Respect is the central value that drives all other qualities of effective leadership. With the right goals in mind, a respected leader can have a positive influence on his or her staff and students. Efficacious Leaders should be striving to achieve goals, such as continual progress from all staff and students to ensure an effective learning institution. When demanding goals, such as continuous improvement are set as base standards, a leader must become a strong motivator for their staff and students. As staff and students begin to achieve bench marks of success, complacency can be a natural tendency, which is toxic to a schools progress. As well as being encouraging and inspirational, high-quality leaders are committed to the efforts originally devised by the principal and staff. The insistent array of factors that have the potential to sabotage a school’s commitment to their goals must be first addressed by the perseverance of a committed leader. Displaying the determination and commitment to a schools best interest will not only keep a school on track, this type of behavior will motivate others to emulate those actions, and increase the level of respect the staff and students give the leader.
Qualities of an Effective Teacher Leader
Respect for a leader can be earned by the staff, students, and other stakeholders in the school by consistently displaying respectful behaviors. Being flexible by listening to others and adjusting to their needs while staying committed to the core values such as the student’s best interest a leader can effectively guide a school. Gaining a strong understanding of the values, beliefs, and culture of a school allows a leader to proactively deal with potential deficits to a school. Reducing the amount of threats to the schools potential allows the staff and students to remain focused on continuous growth. Once a leader becomes immersed in the culture of a school, they can be much more responsive to the needs and wants of all the stakeholders involved.