
  • (306)896-2712 (school)

Sept. 29th, 2011

Health 6/7
Worked on assignment which dealt with what happens when we let our personal standards go to the way-side. No homework.

Sept. 28th

Math 8
-Mental Math 10 questions
-Corrected p.16
-Worked on p. 8-9 from the textbook #4-15
Grade 3
-CAT testing


-Mentoring meeeting
-Loaded pictures on computers and started editting for name assignment
-Magazine campagne kickoff

Junior Girls volleyball game in Stockholm today. Game in Melville St. Henry's tomorrow.

Sept. 27th, 2011

- Cat testing - No homework
Science 3
- Soil comprehension work
Math 8
- Corrected Mental math and the rest of p. 15.
-Completed p. 16 # 1 all, 2ace, 3abcd, 4bdfg, 5ace, 6abce, 7all, 8abcd, 9aceg, 11a
-Finished taking pictures for the name assignment and started writing our stories for the Photostory project.

Sept. 26th, 2011

Math 8
-Daily Math
-Mental Math
-Corrected p. 12 and 15. No homework

Grade 3
-Reading comprehension about soil, rocks, and minerals
-Learned a new warm up game in PE and applied our skills to soccer

-CAT testing
-Only one more hour of testing left!

Junior Girls volleyball practice tomorrow from 3:20-5:20

Good Job Junior Girls!

On Saturday the Junior Girls Volleyball team played in Stockholm's home tournament. After a nervous first set and rough game against Esterhazy the girls placed second in the round robin. Working their way back to the final, our Junior lady Chargers beat Esterhazy in the final to capture the Gold.
Congratulations girls!

Sept. 23rd, 2011

Health 6/7 - Finished presenting. Wrote Ms. Palmer a brief summary of what they learned from other's presentations. No homework.
ELA 9 - Started AFL testing. No homework. Please avoid missing any ELA classes for the next few days as it becomes a challenge to catch up on these.
PE 3- No homework
PE 7/8 - No homework

Good luck Junior Girls at your volleyball tournament in Esterhazy this weekend!


The Junior Girls tournament this weekend is now only a one day tournament. We will not be playing this Friday, only Saturday. Please contact Ms. Kaminski for a new schedule if you do not already have one.

Sept. 22nd, 2011

Math 8 - Daily Math
-Corrected p. 11
-Worked on P. 15 questions 1all, 3 all, 4 odds, 5 odds, 6 odds, 7 all, 8 all, 9 all, 12. These questions are due for our next class which is on Monday. If you have any questions please let me know.

Grade 3 - Completed our obstacle courses.
-Finished and presented our letter to someone from another country describing Churchbridge.

ELA 9 - Finished presenting our RAFTS stories.
-Wrote a journal entry describing what adventure is and if you could go on any adventure what would it be?

PE 7/8 - Wrapping up the soccer portion of our sending and recieving unit.

Junior Girls Volleyball Game in Esterhazy today.
We will also be travelling ot Esterhazy for a tournament run by the Stockholm team on Friday and Saturday. All games will be played at the high school.

September 21st, 2011

Grade 3
-Guided Reading second period.
- Assembly third period.
-Worked on our Healthy eating plans fourth period.

Health 6/7
-Students presented their slideshows.

Good luck Senior Boys at your first game.

Sept. 20th, 2011

Math 8 - Corrected Mental Math and p. 8
-Worked on p. 11 and 12. This is homework if you did not finish in class.

Grade 3-Anaylyzed our soil samples
-Distinguished between humus, clay, and sand
-Illustrated the different parts of soil and what they are best used for.

ELA 9 - Editted our RAFTS stories and wrote the good copies
-Started reading them but did not finish.
-If you did not finish your good copy in class it is homework.

PAA 7 - We started a photography assignment. Each student takes a picture of their name using different objects as the letters. We will continue working on it next class.

After some heated matches the Junior Girls Volleyball team split with Kamsack last night. Good job girls. Refer to the calendar above for information on the next games and practices.

Sept. 19th, 2011

ELA 9 - Have your RAFTS rough draft done for next class.
Grade 3 - Worked on our letters
Math 8 - Corrected and worked on p. 11. You must have the first three questions done for tomorrow.
PAA 7 - Took pictures and Critiqued photographs

Sept. 16th, 2011

Math 8 - Completed the Community Math Assessment. No homework.
Grade 3 - Analyzed our soil samples and discussed their characteristics. No homework. If the students would like to start looking for earthworms to bring to class I will take them next week.
ELA 9 - We read a monologue about fears and interviewed each other about our fears. No homework.

Junior Girls have a volleyball game in Kamsack monday after school. We will be taking the school van.
Have a Great weekend!

Sept. 15th, 2011

Health 6/7 - Hero presentations are due on Wednesday next week.

ELA 9 - Began our unit on Adventures and Adventurers. No homework

Sept. 13th, 2011

Grade 3 - Finish guided reading sheets if you did not complete in class.
Health 6/7 - Worked on our Hero research. You will get class time on Thursday to finish.

Sept. 12th, 2011

Math 8 - Complete pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 for Wednesday. We will be continuing on page 7 and 8 next class.
Grade 3 - Read your short stories to someone at home. If you did not complete the attached questions during class it was homework.
Grade 9 ELA - Worked on grammar and paragraph structure. No homework was assigned but please look in the while you were out folder for the next classes handout.
Grade 7 PAA - Critiqued pictures and completed a picture taking BINGO. No homework.
Best of luck to the Junior Warriors football team!

Sept. 8th, 2011

Math 8 - Daily Math
-Mental Math
-Handout p. 1 & 2 is due friday.

Health / ELA 3 - We have come up with a list of healthy snacks that we could share with our parents. We worked on our letter writing skills for the rest of class.

PE 3 - Combined with Mrs. Wirl's PE class to continue working on Locomotions.

Early Dismissal. Have a great afternoon!