
  • (306)896-2712 (school)

November 22nd/10

2/3 Social Studies
This week is Multicultural week, which ties nicely into our Social Studies class. Last week we researched different games children play in other countries. We have also been comparing and contrasting between our community and others.
2/3 Health
The students are near the end of the Nutritional unit. We have been learning about the Food Guide, why we need different foods, what food does for our body, as well as myths about healthy eating.
4/5 Social Studies
The class is in the middle of a large project where the students are expected to research a given area of Saskatchewan and then present their information as if they settlers on an expedition. Each student has been given a detailed rubric explaining what is expected of them.
6 Health
A test on Values will be given on Wednesday November 24th. The test will be based on the Values reviews given over the past few classes.
7/8 PAA
Preperations for our winter trip have been underway. We are learning how to cook in survival situations as well as to ensure proper nutritional needs are met while in the out of doors. Our trip will be a one day, one night trip in January. Forms will be given to parents informing them of all the details.
7/8 Phys-ed
Although we have completed the Sending and Recieving unit we will be revisiting these skills throughout the year. Our next unit, Rhythmics has begun and I am expecting great things from the class.
8 Math
We are finally at the end of our unit on Integers. Therefore, a test will be given on Thursday of this week. If anyone wants extra help reviewing please see Ms. Palmer to book a time.
8/9 ELA
Presently we are in the middle of the Indigenous and Norse Narratives unit. Students are preparing a research paper/poster, which will be due on Wednesday November 26th.

Assembly will be held November 24th @ 11:05am.
As always if you have ANY questions or concerns please send me an email or give me a call.

Volleyball Conferences

We will be hosting the Senior Girls Volleyball Conferences at Churchbridge on Saturday Novemeber 6th. A schedule of matches is listed below. If you cannot come out to watch but would like to know how the day is progressing you can check the scores on the SHSAA website after every match. For easy access to SHSAA use the link on the left of this page. I hope to see you all on Saturday!

Game # Date Start Time Facility Home Team Sc. Away Sc.
1 06-Nov-2010 09:00 AM Churchbridge Churchbridge Lipton Notes
2 06-Nov-2010 10:00 AM Churchbridge Cupar Invermay Notes
3 06-Nov-2010 11:00 AM Churchbridge Lipton Holdfast Notes
4 06-Nov-2010 12:00 PM Churchbridge Churchbridge Cupar Notes
5 06-Nov-2010 01:00 PM Churchbridge Invermay Holdfast Notes
6 06-Nov-2010 02:00 PM Churchbridge Lipton Cupar Notes
7 06-Nov-2010 03:00 PM Churchbridge Holdfast Churchbridge Notes
8 06-Nov-2010 04:00 PM Churchbridge Invermay Lipton Notes
9 06-Nov-2010 05:00 PM Churchbridge Cupar Holdfast Notes
10 06-Nov-2010 06:00 PM Churchbridge Churchbridge Invermay Notes