
  • (306)896-2712 (school)

Month End Update

Well, it is hard to believe that we are already into our second month of school! Both the students and myself have been very busy with a number of lessons and activities.
Listed below is a brief summary of what we have been up to:

Grade 2/3 - We are just wrapping up our unit on animals. We have been learning about Food Chains, Animal Groups, and Life Cycles. Mrs. Werle and I are presently working together on an ABC Animal/Habitat book. The students and I look forward to showing all the parents the ABC book at our open house on the 21st of October.
In Health we are learning all about germs and what they do to our body.

PAA 7/8
After learning some of the kitchen basics and safety we are ready to begin cooking. We will start with Energy bars that we can take to sporting events and outdoor adventures before starting a mini-unit on firebuilding. From now on many of our lessons will take place in the outdoor classroom so please remember to bring warm clothes on PAA days!

Math 8
We are almost done our first unit on whole numbers. Therefore we will be writing a test on Friday October 8th. We will be reviewing all week.

ELA 8/9
After a short review unit on grammar we have moved on to a unit titled Conflicts, Challenges, Issues, and Choices - Doing the Right Thing. The students are presently completing a project on racism and will be moving on to a research paper by the end of the week.

7/8 PE
We are presently in the middle of a Sending & Receiving unit involving sports such as Soccer, Football, Baseball, and soon we will be doing Volleyball.

Health 6
As a culminating project of the "This is Me" unit each of the students are working on projects all about themselves. They will receive a mark on the project as well as their presentation. I look forward to learning more about each of them!

4/5 Social
This year our units will all have a Saskatchewan theme imbedded in them. We have already studied map skills and basic orienteering and will be moving on to symbols of our province this week. Each student will choose one of the Saskatchewan Symbols research assignments to complete over the next week and a half.

Senior Girls Volleyball
With two games and a tournament under our belt we are starting to pick up steam. As a young team with strong leaders, I am optimistic about our future. If you are interested in coming out to watch, all of our games are listed on the google calendar at the bottom of this page.

If you have any questions or concerns PLEASE give me a call or shoot me an email.
Ms. Palmer

Senior Girls Volleyball

Senior Girls Volleyball practice will be Wednesday(8th) at 5pm and Thursday 4:00 - 6:00pm. Following this week we will be practicing on Tuesdays at 5pm and Thursdays at 3:30pm. Our schedule of games, practices, and tournaments can be viewed on the calendar below.